This memo contains the External Advisory Committee on Student Assignment's recommendation to the Boston School Committee.
This is the presentation that the EAC made to the Boston School Committee on 2/27/2013 on their recommendations on student assignment.
As part of the student assignment reform process, BPS conducted research on how students are assigned in other districts. This report is a summary of their findings.
This presentation was apparently given to Boston City Councilors on 1/22/2013. I expect BPS to post this on their site soon, but if you can't wait, here it is. Sorry for the flipped pages, that's how it came to me.
Text of e-mail from BPS on extending the EAC's deadline into January.
This plan is from Peng Shi, a PhD candidate at MIT's Operations Research Center.
This is a third party assessment commissioned by BPS on the student assignment policies submitted by community members.